Better Life Services​

Sponsorship Form

Benefits to Sponsor:

We believe that with support from sponsorships, we can make a significant impact on the lives of people with disabilities in underprivileged areas and contribute positively in poverty reduction in their lives and help them in their economic growth.

We mutually can create a positive social impact in lives of both disabled and non-disabled community by creating employment opportunities for them through our independent living trainings and skill development or vocational trainings in the area. In return for your sponsorship, we would offer recognition to your business or brand through our project’s promotional materials and media channels, including social media mentions, press releases, and other communication channels.

Better Life Sponsorship Plans

We would like to outline the sponsorship levels and corresponding benefits available, highlighting the advantages for your company as a socially responsible organization.

Silver Sponsorship

Provisions of Accessibility

PKR 5 Millions
  • • Prominent recognition as a Silver Sponsor for all kind of assistive devices.
  • • Logo placement on event/project promotional materials and digital platforms.
  • • Opportunity to display branded materials in our project’s events

Gold Sponsorship

Independent Living Trainings

PRK 10 Million
  • • Recognition as a “Gold Sponsor” of the project.
  • • Logo placement on our company’s events and project’s promotional materials and digital platforms.
  • • Inclusion of your organization’s name in press releases and media mentions.
  • • Opportunity to display branded materials in our project’s events

Title Sponsorship

Inclusive Digital Economy for Poverty Reduction

PKR 15 Million
  • • Prominent placement of your company name as the ‘’Title Sponsor’’ of the project.
  • • Exclusive brand visibility on all project’s promotional materials, including banners, flyers, and digital platforms.
  • • Extensive media exposure and recognition as the lead sponsor in press releases, media coverage, and interviews.
  • • Opportunity for a company representative to deliver a keynote speech at the inauguration of project.
  • • Enhanced brand association with the cause supported by our project, demonstrating your company's commitment to social responsibility.
  • • Branded Giveaways:
  • • Influencer Relations:

We believe that a partnership between Better Life Services & PR and your company will create a powerful synergy, benefiting both organizations. We are open to discussing specific sponsorship opportunities and customizing the benefits to suit your company’s goals and requirements. Together, we can make a significant impact and contribute to the success of the event/project while mutually reinforcing our organizations’ values and objectives.


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Account Title: Better Life Services & PR

Account Number: 213700022910001

IBAN Number: PK98BKIP0213700022910001

Bank Name: Bank Islami

Branch Name: Fazaia Society Branch Lahore

Contact Us

Please contact our office for any assistance in regards to sponsorship and any further information

Call : +92 309-8249027
